The Problem With Reading Portents

David Brody notes one of those useless religious proclamations, this time from former South Carolina governor and UN Ambassador for the current Administration, Nikki Haley:

Ambassador Haley should perhaps think before she speaks – because all I can think is that, if this is true, some people just aren’t learning from the object lessons being displayed to them in that debacle in the White House. She, an experienced politician, should know better.

Meanwhile, former Press Secretary S H Sanders also sticks her foot in it[1]:

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders told a Christian television station Wednesday that God “wanted Donald Trump to become president” so he could support “a lot of the things that people of faith really care about.”

The early, abbreviated transcript provided by the conservative evangelical station CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network, didn’t include specifics from Sanders. However, many in a devoted segment of Trump’s base have said they consider any drawbacks of his presidency worth it because the president regularly speaks about their priorities and picked two Supreme Court justices believed to oppose abortion. On Monday, Trump lauded proposed state-level legislation meant to bring more teaching of the Bible in public schools. [WaPo]

And so, tell me again, why do these issues, so supposedly of deep interest to God, require such a stunningly defective and ineffective man for delivery? Have you ever noticed that Sanders, her dad Mike Huckabee, Jerry Falwell, Jr. of Liberty University, etc, refuse to address such a question? Y’see, they’ve edged their way to the cliff’s edge in acknowledging that Trump is nothing more than a childish bully whose conception of ‘play fair’ consists of Donny Boy Gets Everything. He’s an incompetent and incurious man, incapable of effectively operating outside of his original domain of real estate – and even there he’s a dubious character.

But he’s given them what they think they want – favor for their religion and its proscriptions. That’s the important thing to them. In its way, it’s so very, very Boomerish.

But it’s also a sign for those who can read: that the ideology, or theology if that makes more sense, of Haley, Sanders, and their fellow travelers is so flawed, unappealing, irrational, and out ‘n out dangerous, that they must ride the gangrenous monster that is Trump in order to eke out their little gains.

More and more, we see the lies, self-delusions, bad behaviors, and terrible actors that surround and are drawn to Trump. These will cling not only to Trump, but to those who claimed to benefit from his presence in the Oval Office, even when they knew he was a desperately and deeply flawed character who has been doing substantial damage to the United States.

And their much bally-hooed gains during the Trump Administration may turn out to be little more than calorific sweets: doing nothing but satisfying that urge to win in the short run, while damaging their “brands,” that horrific term imported from the private sector as a cover for “reputation,” in the long term.

The Millenials are watching and learning about you, Haley and Sanders. Washing your feet in sad irrationality – of several kinds – will bring nothing but woe to your envisioned successors.

Later: I see Energy Secretary Rick Perry has expressed similarly idiotic sentiments. I do hope he can blame it on his meds, like he did last time.

1 While “it” is usually understood to mean something along the lines dog poo, in this instance I suggest that the equivalent would be an entire lake of Cthulhu’s excrement. And, I lament, I’m not even hyperbolizing.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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