Belated Movie Reviews

Looks like a nacho!

Y’all remember Terror Birds (2016), that sterling example of mixing dinosaurs with humans? Well, tonight’s head cold movie is Cowboys vs. Dinosaurs (2015), which pretty much runs in the same vein as Terror Birds, only not nearly so clever. My selected adjective for tonight is preposterous, as in every angle of this movie is preposterous, from the idea that the dinosaurs survived for millions of years in an iridium mine in the American West, to the thought that they’ve adapted to that mine’s atmosphere of methane by running various flammables through their veins (that’s right: Exploding Dinosaurs! But only sometimes), to the horses that are placidly munching on their feed while the dinosaurs are running hither and yon. Oh, and the special effects? Preposterous. The acting, I regret to say, is somewhat better than my chosen adjective, but they should still all keep their day jobs.

Throw in a tug of war over a pretty lady and some guy with a big ol’ jaw, and it’s pretty much a bourbon movie. Just how much bourbon will you need to finish watching it? I couldn’t guess. I’m still goggling that someone actually made this thing.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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