I’ve been pondering whether or not to respond to an email missive I received a few days ago. On the one hand, it’s a deceptive crock of shit, which I detest especially when it’s used to attack anyone. On the other hand, I get tired of digging through crocks of shit, and no doubt my readers tire of it as well.
But it’s bugging me.
So here’s the mail in totality:
The problems begin and end with context, specifically those of President Truman and of the Clintons. Let’s set them.
President Truman, successor to the Presidency after the death of President Roosevelt in 1945, was a machine politician, which is to say he worked for the Democrats and did what he was told until he achieved higher office. Not that he lacked leadership skills, as he demonstrated in his military service during WW I, rising to Major before discharge, but his political career was more to fill positions that needed filling than as a standout politician; even his selection to run for VP was as a second choice.
His education was undistinguished, not attaining a college degree.
Finally, his environment: a world devastated by two World Wars. While certain individuals, such as the Kennedys, were wealthy, there wasn’t a lot of loose change waiting to be swept up by casual janitors, and Truman wasn’t even willing to do that – refusing corporate endorsement opportunities, etc. As a poor businessman prior to his political career, he had little to build and live on, and basically survived on the Presidential pension.
The Clintons are far different people. First, it’s plural – Truman’s wife, due to the customs of the time, did not work outside the home at a high paying job. Hillary Clinton is a lawyer (from Yale) with stints in private practice as well as numerous jobs within government, along with her high profile positions as Senator (from New York) and Secretary of State. Bill is also a lawyer (also from Yale), a Rhodes Scholar, former Governor of Arkansas, etc. – there’s little point in covering his accomplishments further here.
The Clintons came to power in a far different environment: a country far richer than Truman’s by any measure, that was heading into the Internet era, where wealth continued to grow. As high achievers, available to contribute their knowledge and experience, both governmental and non-governmental, it is not a scandal that they charge for speeches and give lots of them. It is to be expected that they share their hard-won knowledge and experience – and are compensated for the effort.. And there’s a lot of people who want to hear what highly accomplished people like Bill & Hillary have to say. Wisely invested, two hard driving, high achieving individuals like these should do very well.
And, finally, note how Harry phrases it – “in politics”. Strictly speaking, they are not in politics when they’re not holding office. They may be addressing the topic, but if they’re not in office, then it doesn’t apply.
So when I see sniping like this – on anyone – I think about the context. Sometimes it’s just justified – and sometimes … it’s a crock of shit.