Not All Americans Are Bad

For those who worry that the United States is becoming a vast land of intolerant shitheads, here’s a bit of relief: CNN reports on a waitress stiffed out of a tip because the customers thought she was an illegal immigrant (she was born in the USA), and how the community rallied around her:

When locals heard what happened, a group of residents wrote a note to the waitress.

“We appreciate and value your hard work in taking care of the people in the community…you are the one who belongs in downtown,” the Harrisonburg Downtown Renaissance letter said.

Included with the note: a tip. A substantial one.

Gotta hope the folks who indulged in this fine fit of xenophobia heard about the response. To me, it’s a profound violation of American ideals of generosity towards those who work with and for us to treat the waitress in such a thoughtless hostile manner.

For the record, the Pew Research Center reports illegal immigrant flow has been falling under the Obama Administration:

Mexican Unauthorized Immigrant Population Declines Since 2007 Peak

Which, on first blush, suggests we’re returning more illegals home than are entering. However, there are other factors, such as deaths, voluntary returns, and no doubt others that don’t occur to me at the moment.


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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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