Presidential Campaign Memorabilia

Posters, campaign pins, bobbleheads – all common and collectible. But these?

From The Verge.

Five identical statues of a nude Donald Trump have appeared overnight on street corners in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Cleveland, Seattle, and New York City. So, The Verge ran down to Union Square in NYC to see as much of fake nude Trump as our eyes could possibly tolerate …

I so look forward to seeing one of these on Antique Roadshow in 20 years or so. Will the appraiser be excited, or appalled? And will some Trump supporters try to imitate the stunt? Morbid curiosity requires the question, but I don’t know that the answer will be good.

Will the nation be traumatized by the damage age does to us? Or just realistic, giving given our demographics?

(h/t my Arts Editor)

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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