carefully chosen and thoughtfully organized or presented [Merriam-Webster]
Note its lack of synchrony with the related curator:
a person who oversees or manages a place (such as a museum or zoo) that offers exhibits
Certainly, one might add a modifier to curator, but to do so is to draw attention to the abnormality of applying such a word to the modifier, amplifying the dubiousness of suggesting the item is worthy of a word carrying a relatively high amount of prestige, which it has not previously earned.
Keeping in mind that museums and zoos are generally considered to be establishments of high respectability, although personally I hold the admittedly minority view that zoos are offensive, this leads to the observation that the initiating word of this post, curated, is being appropriated by less esteemed institutions. An example is a local cinema cum restaurant, ALAMO DRAFTHOUSE: WOODBURY, under the subsection Location Features:
Vetted Well, an attached lounge featuring a curated craft cocktail menu, and an array of local and regional craft beers
In other words, Our booze is served as entertaining cocktails selected by our bartender. Please get sloshed to enhance our profitability.
Another example arrived in email, and originates with The Motley Fool:
Curated content that shares the top stories most relevant to your services.
As Random content … would hardly be sensible, the selection of Curated reveals itself as little more than a desperate grasp after a higher level of respectability, an attempt to impress the reader with the effort that may have been put forth. As I have not yet inspected this new web site, I cannot comment on whether this is an improvement on earlier iterations, or more resembles an office notice I encountered thirty years ago and now quote, to the best of my memory:
In order to improve service to our patients, this office will be closing.
Instead of walking to the doctor’s office, I had to drive for ten to fifteen minutes. I was not amused.
So, color me annoyed with the use of curated in Internet discourse. A curator in a museum? Great. A curator in a grocery store. No.
And, for those unfamiliar with this sort of discourse, permit me to summarize: No! Unless you work for a museum, do not use curated! It’s deceptive and annoying!