Belated Movie Reviews

Dude, one little misplaced pat on the bottom will either have her right over the railing to the stone floor below – or you. Decide wisely.

Cry Wolf (1947) has a baffling title, perhaps a preparation for a plot that mystifies. After all, why does the unknown wife of the dead man show up claiming his estate, yet not weeping over his death? What is bothering the sister of the dead man so badly that she ends up face down on the plaza?

And where did they find this patriarch of the family that had my Arts Editor literally grinding her teeth?

It all revolves around a semi-ridiculous trust, large debts of the trustee, and a family wracked with a mysterious illness.

Interesting, but not fascinating, with good acting. Errol Flynn completists will need to see it, if only to verify he doesn’t bear a sword in every movie he made.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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