The snapback of the Republicans in the wake of the supposed “exoneration” of their cult leader, President Trump, has been something fierce – and quite possibly an overreach, if the Democrats are willing to take advantage of it. I have in mind the statements of Kellyanne Conway:
And then there’s Senator Graham (R-SC), who has his plans for retribution:
“When it comes to the FISA warrant, the Clinton campaign, the counterintelligence investigation, it’s pretty much been swept under the rug,” Graham said. “Those days are over.”
But this is all fairly laughable; in fact, it’s marketing material, not serious governance. Each of these were investigated by the Republicans themselves in the previous Congress – and while they sometimes made shrill cries of victory, they all proved to be rotten at their core. For those paying attention to these matters, Graham is a laughingstock. A laughingstock who is, however, assuring his own re-election, by satisfying his own base.
But he won’t have much of a legacy. I don’t envy him his retirement years, when the realization of the character his allies is forced upon him.
But I must say, there are days I’d love to be the interlocutor of these clowns. Let’s take Kellyanne for an example, as I make up a scurrilious conversation:
INTERLOCUTOR: Kellyanne, you said, “There should be a reckoning, because our democracy bears nothing less,” and I completely agree. As I’m sure you would agree that each side should be equally well-examined, let’s begin with Clinton. In the last decade or more, she’s been thoroughly examined by Congressional committees, most of which have been run by vengeful Republicans -”
KC: That’s not true, young man –
I: I refer, of course, to Rep Kevin McCarthy’s open admission to same, Kellyanne, so please desist from spreading further lies.
KC: <sputter>
I: … but to continue, Clinton has been investigated half a dozen times and more, often led by seasoned former U. S. Attorneys, such as former Rep Trey Gowdy (R-SC). She been raked down one side, up the other. She’s been given a virtual full gynecological examination, a look right up the ol’ vagina by Republican-backed investigators, not only into her finances, and the Clinton Foundation finances, but all her activities as Secretary of State and as candidate Clinton.
KC: Where there’s smoke –
I: There’s fire, yes, yes. And even – arson. But I stand quite in gratitude to Republicans for proving, well beyond any reasonable doubt, that Hillary Clinton stands guilty of nothing worse than mismanaging an email server.
KC: But –
I: Now, Kellyanne, it’s necessary that President Trump be equally forthcoming. Before you try to sell some line of tripe that he has already done so, has he released his tax returns for the last ten years? Has he released the contents of his conferences with President Putin of Russia, which he has so unwisely held back from his intelligence leaders? We’re not asking for the results of his proctology examine, nothing nearly as invasive and unfair as has happened to Clinton, but just simple, old-fashioned American honesty and fair-dealing. Is that too much to ask of an American President? We haven’t seen that as of yet, now have we?
If the Democrats recognize that Conway and Graham have made rhetorical errors, then they should retort and publicize those retorts. Clinton has been their favored target, even if Clinton keeps slapping them silly during hearings, so use that treatment of her against the Republicans. If the Republicans are competent investigators, then declare that the Republicans have proven she’s clean, and that now it’s time for Trump to come absolutely clean – and, if he declines, politely inquire as to why he can’t be bothered to measure up to the Clinton standard.
Prick him with the thought that Clinton is much better than she has. Make it clear he’s not making it over the bar, yet.
Trump’s wasn’t even exonerated by Mueller. You can’t let him and his party get away with taking control of the agenda. This is when it’s necessary to use their own efforts against them.