About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

How Bad Is It?

For independent political observers, this WaPo article on Biden Administration hiring practices has potential significance:

Barely a week into office, President Biden made a promise that signaled a sharp break from his predecessor: No member of his family would be involved in government.

But that vow did not extend to his senior staff and their relatives. In the first few months of Biden’s presidency, at least five children of his top aides have secured coveted jobs in the new administration. They include two sons and a daughter of the White House counselor, the daughter of a deputy White House chief of staff and the daughter of the director of presidential personnel.

The pattern — which continued this week with the Treasury Department’s announcement that it was hiring J.J. Ricchetti, son of Biden counselor Steve Ricchetti — has drawn concerns from ethics experts, diversity advocates and others. They say it is disappointing that Biden didn’t shift even further from the practices of Donald Trump’s presidency, which they felt reeked of nepotism and cronyism.

I think the ethics experts have every right to be concerned. Good government is about hiring the best qualified, a positive statement, while avoiding hiring those with political connections where possible, which is a negative statement. Both are important, because the latter is a message that the corruption that comes with hiring family and friends with little to no regard for relevant expertise is not acceptable.

And Biden needs to send the message that we are committed to good government, rather than sliding into bad government, after the ethical disaster that was the Trump Administration. So this qualifies as a disappointment for me. This is only somewhat ameliorated by the highly qualified nature of some of those hires:

Stephanie Psaki has a Ph.D. in public health from Johns Hopkins University and her work has been published in leading journals such as The Lancet, according to her HHS biography. Medina is a former deputy undersecretary of Commerce for oceans and atmosphere and former special assistant to the secretary of Defense.

Others also come with a long list of credentials, such as White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan’s wife, Maggie Goodlander, who works as counsel to Attorney General Merrick Garland, for whom she clerked when he was an appellate judge. Sullivan’s brother, Tom Sullivan, is a State Department official and Tom’s wife, Rose Sullivan, is an official at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Something to keep an eye on.

Back To The …

The Minnesota State Fair is hosting the Back to the ’50s gang again, and my Arts Editor snapped some pics.

Positively glowing.

Some nice trucks.

Here’s our favorite, too cute for words.

And here’s a mystery car.

My Arts Editor thinks it’s an elderly T-bird.

Word Of The Day

De fide:

De fide (of the faith) is a “theological note” “theological qualification” that indicates that some religious doctrine is an essential part of Catholic faith and that denial of it is heresy.[1] The doctrine is de fide divina et ecclesiastica (of divine and ecclesiastical faith), if contained in the sources of revelation and therefore believed to have been revealed by God (de fide divina) and if taught by the Church (de fide ecclesiastica). If a doctrine has been solemnly defined by a pope or an ecumenical council as a dogma, the doctrine is de fide definita. [Wikipedia]

Noted in “US Catholic bishops advance communion document, setting up potential rebuke of Biden,” Tom Foreman, CNN/Politics:

“I accept my church’s position on abortion as a what we call de fide doctrine. Life begins at conception. That’s the church’s judgment. I accept it in my personal life,” [then Vice President Joe Biden] said during the 2012 vice presidential debate. “But I refuse to impose it on equally devout Christians and Muslims and Jews. I just refuse to impose that on others,” he said.

The Answer Is

There’s been a bit of an uproar over far-right Rep Clyde’s (R-GA) behavior yesterday towards law enforcement:

That dynamic was on full display in the Capitol Wednesday as D.C. police officer Michael Fanone, who suffered a concussion and heart attack while fending off the Jan. 6 mob, visited the Hill seeking meetings with the 21 House Republicans who voted against a bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to police officers for their service during the attack. Fanone says freshman Rep. Andrew Clyde — the Georgia Republican who recently downplayed the insurrection by comparing it to a ”normal tourist visit” — refused to shake his hand after the officer introduced himself in an elevator. [Politico]

This has led prominent Democratic Rep Swalwell (D-CA) to ask a question:

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), one of the House’s impeachment managers during Trump’s second trial, was quick to seize on the interaction, tweeting “that to honor Trump, @housegop will dishonor the police.”

“It’s hard to accuse Democrats of defunding the police when you are dishonoring the police,” Swalwell said in an interview. “It makes me wonder: Was there prior support [in the GOP] for law enforcement? Or just phony political pandering? Because when the rubber meets the road, they’re choosing Trump over the cops.”

Beyond this and GOP refusal to recognize white supremacy as a real threat to the United States over the last couple of decades, there’s not really much evidence in support of an affirmative response. Why?

Because the Republican Party has been madly careening to the right over those years. There’s no doubt as to this contention; FiveThirtyEight even measured it a few years ago. If anything, we’re entering the terminal stage now with the rise to prominence of Representatives Gohmert, Gosar, Clyde, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, and several others, just in the House.

Those they replaced, and their staffs, have often left the Party or do not participate in Party processes and policy formation as the abyss separating the one group from the other has yawned larger and larger.

The rightward inclination of the younger, newer members also means an inclination towards violence and away from democracy; this puts them at odds with the police, at least those members who are not already of their temperament. Add in the spice of contempt that so many of these “new Republicans” have, and it’s no surprise they do not support law enforcement.

But those Republicans they replaced? I tend to think they did support law enforcement, perhaps strongly in many cases. But not today’s Republicans. The police are now on the front lines, opposing their ambitions. They may try to charm the police, as they did in the previous election, but I think it’s becoming clear that the police must find support elsewhere.

Hey, boys! Some Grecian mariners in, errr, blue!

And that, of course, is a problem. This may be another iteration of the two monsters of old Greek myth, Scylla and Charybdis, a deeply suspicious Democratic Party on one side and a hostile Republican Party on the other, that will come together to grind and reform or destroy the police. We’ve been seeing this in the reports of broken morale, early retirements, and extended medical leaves at various police departments in the wake of the George Floyd murder-inspired protests, and the concurrent riots; I phrase it that way because, while the protests are more or less peaceful, outside of Portland, OR, and the ideology homogenuous among the protesters, again with an exception in Portland, the rioters have been a mixed bag, with the FBI seeking at least one far-right instigator who encouraged the rioting by the black community.

The results of the this Grecian crushing of law enforcement is in the hands of law enforcement, really: will they assent to reformation in hopes of retaining a position of prestige in the community, or will they stubbornly cling to old ways and loyalties? The recent sudden resignation of the local police union president here in the Twin Cities might suggest they’re taking the constructive former option, as President Krull (I kid you not) was definitely of the old order.

Rep Swalwell’s question may have been more significant than he realizes.

Word Of The Day


a style of clothing that is comfortable and suitable for doing sports, but also fashionable and attractive enough to wear for other activities:
The singer has her own athleisure brand of clothing. [Cambridge Dictionary]

Totally new to me. Noted in “Why Does Everyone Talk Like They’re In A Cult?,” Amanda Montell, Refinery29:

But New Age–speak can also be a red flag. In some contexts, nebulous terms like “alignment” and “awakening” serve as scammy marketing buzzwords that have no clear or specific meaning, but simply paint a portrait of the speaker as transcendently wise, like some kind of all-knowing wiseman or prophet (even if they themselves don’t quite know what they’re saying). In competitive workplace environments, for example, excessive New Age lingo — constant talk of “missional synergy” and “holistic idea-sharing” — can promote a culture of conformity, discouraging individualism and questioning, while obscuring the fact that behind all the gobbledygook, the company’s higher-ups might not have the most “holistic” intentions (a recent Bond University study found that one in five CEOs is a clinical psychopath). And on social media, where influencers are no longer selling just athleisure and eye cream, but also their very souls, dime-a-dozen Insta-gurus like @activationvibration offer free nuggets of spiritual-ese, hoping followers will get suckered into paying for their self-actualization courses or retreats in order to learn what the hell they’re actually talking about.

Perhaps a trifle Germanic?

Three For Three

The ACA, aka Obamacare, has survived the latest challenge at SCOTUS:

The Supreme Court dismissed a challenge to the Affordable Care Act on Thursday in a decision that will leave the law intact and save health care coverage for millions of Americans. The justices turned away a challenge from Republican-led states and the former Trump administration, which urged the justices to block the entire law.[CNN/Politics]

I thought this was interesting …

The justices said that the challengers of the 2010 law did not have the legal right to bring the case. …

The justices noted that there is no harm to opponents from the provisions that they are challenging because Congress has reduced the penalty for failing to buy health insurance to zero.

… because later CNN’s expert commented:

“Today’s ruling is, indeed, another reprieve for the Affordable Care Act — one that rests on the extent to which the provisions its critics say are objectionable are no longer enforceable against them,” said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas Law.

The ruling means that the justices won’t rule on the merits of the lawsuit, but allows the law to stand.

“By holding that these individual plaintiffs and states lacked ‘standing’ to sue, the justices avoided deciding whether the ACA as revised is constitutional — but also made it much harder for anyone to get that issue into the courts going forward,” Vladeck said. “In essence, they sucked the oxygen out of the ACA’s continuing constitutional fire.”

So if Congress reinstates the penalty, doesn’t that give the complainants standing?

A 7-2 victory does tend to put the stamp of approval on the ACA, even if Justice Alito is feeling bitter:

In his dissent, Alito called out the various times the Supreme Court has now ruled on the law and found ways to keep it in place.

“Today’s decision is the third installment in our epic Affordable Care Act trilogy, and it follows the same pattern as installments one and two. In all three episodes, with the Affordable Care Act facing a serious threat, the Court has pulled off an improbable rescue,” Alito wrote.

“No one can fail to be impressed by the lengths to which this Court has been willing to go to defend the ACA against all threats. A penalty is a tax. The United States is a State. And 18 States who bear costly burdens under the ACA cannot even get a foot in the door to raise a constitutional challenge,” the veteran conservative justice added.

“So a tax that does not tax is allowed to stand and support one of the biggest Government programs in our Nation’s history. Fans of judicial inventiveness will applaud once again, he added. “But I must respectfully dissent.”

And I remain interested in the apparent fact that Adam Smith, the father of the free market, remains uncited by the opposition. I must find time to read his The Wealth of Nations someday.

Quote Of The Day

Max Boot’s link leads nowhere, so I’ll quote him quoting the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ):

Russia benefits from a cold war if that means it gets treated as the equal of the world’s sole superpower rather than, as John McCain put it, “a gas station masquerading as a country.”

The upcoming transition away from fossil fuels may end up being a devastating blow to Russia.

A Cute Idea

A month and more ago, law professors Jonathan Gould, Kenneth Shepsle and Matthew Stephenson presented an idea for a way around filibustering by Senators representing a minority of the population of the United States – they call it democratizing the filibuster:

The filibuster exists only because a Senate rule requires the support of a three-fifths majority to cut off debate and hold a final vote. The Senate could change this rule so that ending debate would instead require the support of a majority of senators who collectively represent a majority of the U.S. population, with each senator considered to represent half of his or her state’s residents. This rule, which should be extended to all legislation as well as confirmation of judicial appointments, would allow a bare majority of senators to overcome a filibuster — if those senators together represented a majority of the American people. [WaPo]

It’s one of those ideas with a certain appeal to those who like complexity, but I think it ignores one big problem: The Senate was explicitly designed to provide equal representation to each State.

The problem may appear to be population representation, but it’s really the fact that filibustering exists.

Belated Movie Reviews

It’s a carnivore dressed like an herbivore. Or maybe just an herb. Kill! Kill! Kill!

The Men Who Stare At Goats (2009) is the tale of US Army research into psychic warfare. Told through the eyes of reporter Bob Wilton, reports that the Soviets are working hard in the same sphere, true or not, inspires the Army, or more accurately a few senior officers, to open a research base dedicated to the topic in the 1970s.

Thirty years later, Lyn Cassady, an alumni of the original Army program, is rumbling through the Iraqi desert, looking for something, when Wilton, who learned Cassady’s name earlier, stumbles across him. Between IEDs and firefights in Iraqi towns, they finally find their way to a forward base run by another colleague from the psychic warfare days, Larry Hooper. He’s the man who takes the Army entirely too seriously, ready to use the psychic abilities – if they exist – of those trained for advanced warfare against any enemy who might pop up.

And they’ve proved psychic warfare’s utility with goats, a precursor to … goat stew.

The plot is much like Wilton and Cassady’s exploration of the desert, as it’s never quite clear where we’re going next, nor whether this is really a drama with comedic undertones, or a comedy with a twisted sense to it. It’s interesting, but exactly what it’s trying to say is more in the mind of the audience than the moviemakers.

They’re just hoping to read your’s.

Word Of The Day


  1. places diametrically opposite each other on the globe.
  2. those who dwell there. [Dictionary.com]

Noted in “Eyeing comeback, Maine’s former governor pitches ‘LePage 2.0’,” Michael Shepherd, Bangor Daily News:

[Former Governor LePage] is promising a “LePage 2.0.” Those who have heard him use the phrase take it to mean a calmer and issue-focused iteration of the former two-term governor. Democrats may scoff at such a rebranding after his chaotic eight-year tenure. His era ended with their party taking and keeping control of Augusta under Gov. Janet Mills, LePage’s stylistic antipode.

Drama Repeat

While America continues down its dramatic political path towards what we hope is recovery from the Trump years, Israel has, with greater reluctance, finally taken steps away from its right wing leader, former Prime Minister, but still Member of the Knesset, Benjamin Netanyahu. Much like former President Trump, Netanyahu’s not going quietly into the political night:


Netanyahu, on the government’s first day, predicted a fast end to the new coalition.

“The fraudulent government will fall quickly,” Netanyahu said Monday. “Three things unite it: hatred, exclusion and domination. With such hatred it is impossible to hold a government for long.”

His allies, including far-right religious nationalists and ultra-Orthodox parties, are also pledging a comeback. [WaPo]

In fact, he’s not going at all if he can help it. That is one nasty breach of democratic norms; hoping they fail means endangering the country. But I’m also struck, if not surprised, by how his allies are so much like Trump’s religious allies:

Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council, which enjoyed elevated status during Netanyahu’s tenure, led a prayer alongside other influential rabbis at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Sunday. They prayed for the failure of a government that they said “wants to erase the Jewish identity in the state of Israel” . . . and “harm the holiness” of Jewish laws and customs.

The selfish nature of religious leaders apparently extends to Israel. Mazal Mualem has a bit more, although I wonder if it’s colored by her own feelings on the matter:

The alliance between Netanyahu and the ultra-Orthodox was one of the strongest, most impenetrable coalitions in Israeli politics. For many years Netanyahu gave them rulership, important portfolios and budgets, and in turn they were the prime minister’s safety net. Even when Netanyahu got into legal trouble and became a lame duck, the ultra-Orthodox did not abandon him and firmly rejected offers from the opposition. His ultra-Orthodox partners marched with him into the opposition.

The heads of the ultra-Orthodox parties seem to be in shock and are still working to grasp the situation. So long as Netanyahu can convince others that the change coalition will fall apart, they will cling to him as they know that they need one another. [AL-Monitor]

What is politely known as loyalty is better described as an addiction to power, even a reliance on a privileged position in society where, due to their religious professions, they do not have to serve in the military, unlike their fellow citizens. Mualem has a back-handed slap for them:

Liberman spoke yesterday about his intentions regarding the ultra-Orthodox: “We will try with all our might to promote core studies for all students, so that the sons and daughters of the ultra-Orthodox sector will be able to pass matriculation examinations like everyone else. This will enable them to acquire a profession and stand on their own feet economically, and not to rely on government allowances.” He was describing the nightmare of the ultra-Orthodox, a possibility they had fended off with Netanyahu’s help.

Hopefully, this is all side show. Israeli relations with their neighbors and the world remain the number one priority for the Israelis, and how a coalition government featuring parties from across the political spectrum performs should be fascinating.

Quote Of The Day

From Erick Erickson:

Satan is running through churches. The spiritual fight is here. Those of you who do not believe, you will one day — every knee will bow one day. For today, however, I can only tell those of you in the church that your commitment to the truth of Christ is now more important than ever. You cannot hide from the world. You must engage the world — the Great Commission demands it.

He’s finally figured out the wholesale corruption of the evangelicals?

The Southern Baptist Convention is meeting this week. The participants overwhelmingly agree on everything. But they disagree on how to engage. Those who have spoken out on critical race theory, but have not beat their chests on it, are perceived as being suspect. Others have made denouncing the second-order things way more important than advancing the first-order things. Men who have spent their lives dedicated to biblical fidelity, biblical inerrancy, and God’s truth are being attacked as weak, spineless, or closet liberals because they are not angry, screaming, and railing against hot button issues. Performance now outweighs commitment because a commitment to truth without theater is suspect.

No, not really. The status quo, which for so long had hidden injustice behind the wall of tradition, is challenged, and to him that’s madness. The uproar within the evangelical world, which reportedly is shrinking, doesn’t signify to him of corruption, merely a lack of discipline.

There will be struggle in the days ahead, as there will – and perhaps already is – a rush of grifters of both religious and secular vectors towards the hole in the wall, ready to take advantage of all sorts of the vulnerable, as well as simply separating truth from ideological fiction.

But, if civil rights history is anything to go by, we should come out of it in better shape. We just have to remember that not all change is good change, just as not all status quo is good status quo.

Preventing Keith Laumer’s Bolo, Ctd

For those long time readers recalling the post concerning the ‘slaughterbots,’ a counter-measure has been devised as NewScientist (24 April 2021, paywall) reports:

A mobile, high-power microwave weapon can knock down a swarm of drones at once or pick a single drone out of a group with sniper-like precision.

Anti-drone weapons, such as radio-frequency jammers, already exist, but are only effective against consumer drones – they were used at London’s Gatwick airport in 2018 to defend against a suspected drone intrusion that left flights grounded.

More advanced military models are protected against these kinds of jammers – either being equipped with jam-resistant radios or having the ability to operate autonomously without a radio link to an operator – so the Leonidas system developed by Epirus, a Los Angeles start-up, takes a different approach. The device fires a high-power microwave beam that overloads a drone’s electronics, causing it to drop out of the sky.

While existing microwave weapons are about the size of a shipping container, Leonidas fits in the back of a pickup truck. It can be controlled with great precision. “Our systems allow us the capability to widen or narrow the beam and put a null in any direction to disable enemy targets and nothing else,” says Epirus CEO Leigh Madden. The company is also working on a smaller version of the weapon that could be carried by operators on foot.

And, honestly, this seems like an irrelevant problem if you’re running from slaughterbots:

Justin Bronk at defence think tank RUSI in London notes that while microwaves may be more acceptable than guns or missiles for defending populated areas, high accuracy is needed. “In urban areas, there’s a danger of damaging the electrical power infrastructure or frying people’s electronic devices,” he says.

Your results may vary.

That Moral Equivalency Thing Again, Ctd

The desperation of the Republicans to draw a moral equivalency between themselves and the Democrats is becoming marked. Over the weekend, news broke of the latest Trump Administration scandal, as summarized by Steve Benen:

Even among those who’ve come to expect the worst from the Trump administration were taken aback last week with new revelations about the Republican-led Justice Department. The New York Times was first to report that federal investigators secretly seize communications records from at least two Democratic members of Congress, some of their staffers, and even some their family members.

Ranking GOP member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) had a response to the suggestion that perhaps Congress should be investigating this latest embarrassment to the American democracy:

“Both classified leaks and abuses of power are serious offenses that must be met with strict consequences. We know that the Justice Department is capable of abusing its power, as it did when it secretly spied on and ran intelligence operations against the Trump campaign. We also know that classified information in congress’ possession can leak to the press, as was the case with the classified Carter Page FISA – the product of that abuse. We do not know whether the effort to investigate such leaks was another example of an abuse of power by the Justice Department.

[Bold mine.]

Here’s the problem: despite numerous allegations and investigations, no evidence supporting said allegations ever emerged.

But Republicans can’t have that. They have a repellent character in the White House who abused his position unlike any other President, and if they admit that he’s far worse than the Democrats’ worst, then they risk losing votes.

And so they cling to what are most kindly described as unproven allegations; for realists, they’re better described as brazen Trumpian lies. And Senator Grassley is capping off a long career in the Senate by participating in those lies.

It’s such a fucking embarrassment. He used to be respectable. Now he babbles on about his physical condition and indulges in lies after rubber-stamping nearly all of the Trump-nominated judiciary – while doing nothing else.

QANON Explains Me

From Newsweek:

In a way only they can, supporters of the QAnon conspiracy theory are bizarrely suggesting there was huge significance in the moment a cicada flew around the neck of President Joe Biden before he boarded Air Force One. …

We The Media, a collection of QAnon advocates with more than 225,000 subscribers on its Telegram account, believes Biden swatting at the cicadas is actually “comms,” a secret message that can be decoded by QAnon supporters.

“JOE BIDEN BITTEN BY A CICADA – COMMS? Just so happens that Cicada nymphs emerge after a 17-year childhood underground!!!” We The Media wrote.

For QAnon supporters, anything that can be linked to the number 17, no matter how tenuous, can be interpreted as “comms” for them as Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet.

And that’s why I’m neither religious nor properly respectful of symbolism.

Stirring The Pot

I must admit I found Erick Erickson’s post from a couple of days ago to be interesting, at least in part. It begin with a quote from the Wall Street Journal, which I don’t read, and extrapolates from there.

From individuals with smartphones and a few thousand dollars to pensions and private-equity firms with billions, yield-chasing investors are snapping up single-family houses to rent out or flip. They are competing for houses with ordinary Americans,

Here’s the problem, corporate America and particularly private equity America has decided that Americans no longer want the American dream. American middle-class homeowners no longer need homes to buy. So instead, they’re buying up every available property on the market and then forcing you to rent because the home is too expensive for you to buy, the land is too expensive for you to build, and lumber prices have gone up so much, you’re forced into a rental market even though you want to be a homeowner. These corporations were so focused on if they could do it, they haven’t asked if they should do it and they’re driving up home prices. They’re gentrifying neighborhoods against the neighbors’ will. They’re driving up property prices and they’re forcing you to pay more and more. If you want to own land or buy a house, you are forced to move further and further away from even the suburbs out into rural America.

It’s fascinating how Erickson’s prediction parallels Professor Turchin’s observations of secular cycles, isn’t it? As Turchin’s agrarian societies enter the disintegrative phase, the prices of land skyrocket and land accumulates to holders who rent it out for profit to the farmers. This is often caused by the farmers having children and dividing their land into less and less sufficient plots for the kids – usually the males. Perhaps we’re headed for a Turchin crash.

But also notice Erickson’s clinging to the status quo. I half expected him to decry the advent of the electric vehicle as well, wailing that the extinction of the fossil-fueled vehicle (hah! I kill myself!). Why is home ownership the dream of all Americans still? Perhaps it’s not. After all, an iconic emblem of the Millenials is the story of the job seeker who turned down a cushy job because it wasn’t on a bus route, much to the bewilderment of their would-be boss.

And finally, if prices are being driven up, perhaps this is a good thing. This may motivate people to increase their valuable skill sets, rather than sitting around drinking beer, gossiping, or praising their divinity. Don’t get me wrong, religion is a carrier of morality, but at some point you should admit that you have learned that morality and really don’t need to go to church. Increasing the skill set makes it more likely you can buy a house, at least in Erickson’s future.

This is all going to come crashing down. At some point, people are going to decide they are sick of renting and want to buy. They’re going to be priced out of markets and people are going to leave. They’re going to move further out into rural areas. They’re going to buy houses there where these corporations aren’t and the property prices are going to crash. You’re going to have whole empty suburban corridors with collapsing homes because corporate America never asked if they should do this. They never asked if they should wipe out the American dream. Congress will likely act on this and I’m in favor of it. Private equity companies are putting rental markets into pension funds.

These pension funds run by private entities for the government now demanding that you yourself rent your house instead of buying your house. It takes away the dream of homeownership and an available pool of equity from American consumers. This forces them to be renters for life and drives up rental prices. This is not sustainable long term. I can see it coming. After the collapse, the major hedge funds and private equity groups will go to the government for a bailout and can do it because they have access to subsidized guarantees and access to the FDIC that you, the individual home buyer do not have. They can get away with it. It’s not a free market. It’s not really even capitalism. It’s cronyism and they’re calling it capitalism.

A capitalist society without morality is no better than a communist society. Sure, more people are elevated out of poverty, but a whole lot of rich people take advantage of everyone else just like in communism. You’ve got to have a real free market. This isn’t one. Not only that, you’ve got to have some grounding in morality and be able to question whether or not you should do something instead of can you do something. This has been going on now for a number of years and it is escalating. The government is going to step in. When they do, it’s going to be a burden on all of us, unless we stop it now instead of waiting until it festers out of control.

The application of capitalism to the private sector seems like such a stretch, doesn’t it? Especially for such a speculative prediction on his part.

But it’s worth taking a thought about it.


It’s unsung efforts like these that I find intriguing:

Flat-pack furniture is commonplace, and flat-pack pasta might be one day too.

Wen Wang of Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania and her colleagues have developed edible 2D pasta that swells into 3D shapes when cooked, such as long spirals resembling fusilli and saddle shapes similar to conchiglie.

The researchers believe that flat-pack dry pasta could drastically reduce the amount of packaging required for the foodstuff, as well as saving on storage and transportation space.

For example, when macaroni is packaged, around 60 per cent of the space in the box or bag is air, estimates Wang.

The 2D pasta morphs into 3D shapes when boiled because each piece is lined with tiny grooves, less than 1 millimetre wide, in particular patterns. The grooves increase the surface area of some parts of a piece of pasta. Areas with a higher surface area absorb water and swell faster, says Wang, who now works at food and drink company Nestlé. [“Flat pasta that morphs into 3D shapes when cooked saves on packaging,” Donna Lu, NewScientist (15 May 2021)]

That’s the sort of cool stuff that tickles me.

Belated Movie Reviews

You’ve come a long way to pick up a girl, friend.

Stranger From Venus (1954) is an amiable tale of a visit from our elder brothers to the Sunward side, who are deeply concerned that our moral sciences are not keeping up with our nuclear sciences.

After that, I can only say that, despite the earnest acting, it’s all painfully dull. It does not seem to have aged well.

That New Tech

For those of us who, like my Arts Editor and I, own electric vehicles (EVs), the limited range and recharge times are key limitations on more widespread adoption of EVs. Apparently, though, there may be relief on the horizon, and Witgren on Daily Kos has a handy wrap-up on the news & rumors:

News stories have been hitting sites for a few weeks now that a new battery tech is about to hit the markets for small-scale consumer testing (later this year or early next year) that could be a game-changer in many ways in our battery tech, including for electric vehicles.

The batteries, which are aluminum-ion batteries, incorporate a graphene structure into the battery structure. I don’t pretend to understand all the ins and out of the science, but here are the claims for it — and Graphene Manufacturing Group out of Brisbane is ready to hit the market (on a small scale test market) with its first batteries perhaps as soon as later this year.

  • 3x the energy density of lithium-ion batteries. The flip side of this is they are also about 3x heavier, so while you can pack more energy in a smaller package, the weight is going to remain about the same.
  • Charging is 20-60x faster than lithium batteries. A “coin” battery, for example, can be fully charged in less than 10 seconds, while a cell phone battery could be fully charged in less than five minutes. An electric vehicle could easily be topped off in minutes as well, making “refueling” stops not so different to stopping for gas now. Worst case, maybe you catch lunch or dinner while your vehicle recharges.
  • No overheating issues. GMG’s managing director notes that lithium-ion batteries are prone to overheating when charging or discharging at rapid rates and EV’s require cooling systems to deal with that. So far, these aluminum-ion batteries have shown no sign of such thermal issues, which in turn means space and weight saved on cooling systems that can instead be used for — more batteries and thus, more range!
  • The coin batteries have been cycled 2,000 recharge cycles with no loss in performance. If this holds true for larger batteries, another huge leap. Lithium batteries begin to lose performance after a few hundred charge cycles, losing about 20% of their capacity after 1,000 cycles. If these new batteries are experiencing no appreciable performance loss after 2,000 cycles, suddenly we have batteries that could last for many years.
  • Aluminum is abundant and the materials in these batteries are recyclable.

If this turns out to be true, it’d be good news for us EV owners and the planet. But it’s the first I’ve heard.

Jumping The Volcano Shark

News that El Salvador is adopting Bitcoin as a national currency may have reached your ears. But this made me laugh:

The law passed by El Salvador’s legislative assembly makes no mention of mining. But during a live conversation on Twitter Spaces on Tuesday night, Bukele announced an idea that had suddenly occurred to him: El Salvador’s volcanoes could be used as a renewable source of geothermal energy.

“Every day is going to be a new idea,” Bukele told the audience of over 25,000, according to Coindesk. The following day, he announced on Twitter that he had directed the country’s state-owned geothermal electricity company to develop a plan that would allow bitcoin miners to tap into “very cheap, 100% clean, 100% renewable, 0 emissions energy from our volcanoes.”

Hours later, Bukele said that engineers had already dug a new well that would become the center of a new bitcoin mining hub, and shared a video of the steam pouring out. [WaPo]

As El Salvadoran wealth transfers from American dollars, the other national currency, into bitcoin, I’d view that as being at increasing risk. If things go south, will Bukele survive? People hate it when their wealth disappears after trusting the word of their leader.

And, weirdly, this all reminds me of the Internet bubble of 2000. Things became downright bizarre just before the big meltdown. Just a word to those who remember.

Something New On The Sun

Spaceweather.com has something new – at least to me:

Something big may be about to happen on the sun. “We call it the Termination Event,” says Scott McIntosh, a solar physicist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), “and it’s very, very close to happening.”

If you’ve never heard of the Termination Event, you’re not alone. Many researchers have never heard of it either. It’s a relatively new idea in solar physics championed by McIntosh and colleague Bob Leamon of the University of Maryland – Baltimore County. According to the two scientists, vast bands of magnetism are drifting across the surface of the sun. When oppositely-charged bands collide at the equator, they annihilate (or “terminate”). There’s no explosion; this is magnetism, not anti-matter. Nevertheless, the Termination Event is a big deal. It can kickstart the next solar cycle into a higher gear.

“If the Terminator Event happens soon, as we expect, new Solar Cycle 25 could have a magnitude that rivals the top few since record-keeping began,” says McIntosh.

This is, to say the least, controversial. Most solar physicists believe that Solar Cycle 25 will be weak, akin to the anemic Solar Cycle 24 which barely peaked back in 2012-2013. Orthodox models of the sun’s inner magnetic dynamo favor a weak cycle and do not even include the concept of “terminators.”

“What can I say?” laughs McIntosh. “We’re heretics!”

The researchers outlined their reasoning in a December 2020 paper in the research journal Solar Physics. Looking back over 270 years of sunspot data, they found that Terminator Events divide one solar cycle from the next, happening approximately every 11 years. Emphasis on approximately. The interval between terminators ranges from 10 to 15 years, and this is key to predicting the solar cycle.

One wonders if a strong cycle means strong events as well. One more challenge for the world, eh?

Stroke Counterstroke, Ctd

Concerning the unannounced Putin/American war, a reader remarks:

Attacks like the one on Colonial are made by large, organized-criminal groups which absolutely need some kind of shelter — the kind Russia (or other nations) can provide. And with capitalism’s constant rush to the bottom on paying for the effort, infrastructure and technological insurance to avoid these kinds of things, we will only see more and worse in the future until (if ever) we see some political come-to-Jesus moments on cooperation for security.

In our societal organization, government is, or should be, the responsible party for security issues such as this, with the ability to lay taxes or go into debt in order to raise the resources for the countermeasures. It’s been a tenet of the libertarians that the free market can do damn near anything society needs, but when, as my reader notes, the rush to the bottom would interfere with accomplishing necessary goals, it’s clear the markets’ ability to resolve this category of problems is deeply flawed at a fundamental level.

The other part of the problem, of course, is the fact that our systems are vulnerable in the first place.