That Darn Climate Change Conspiracy, Ctd

On the climate change front is this potentially disturbing news:

Scientists have long been worried about what many call “the methane bomb” — the potentially catastrophic release of methane from thawing wetlands in Siberia’s permafrost.

But now a study by three geologists says that a heat wave in 2020 has revealed a surge in methane emissions “potentially in much higher amounts” from a different source: thawing rock formations in the Arctic permafrost.

The difference is that thawing wetlands releases “microbial” methane from the decay of soil and organic matter, while thawing limestone — or carbonate rock — releases hydrocarbons and gas hydrates from reservoirs both below and within the permafrost, making it “much more dangerous” than past studies have suggested. [WaPo]

All tentative and contingent – but methane is more potent than CO2, as I understand it.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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