Earl Landgrebe Award Nominee

Rep Byron Donalds (R-FL) steps forward with a claim:

Ahead of the start of the Republican presidential pick’s first criminal trial on Monday, Representative Byron Donalds pleaded with the people of Manhattan to give his party leader a break.

“My plea is to the people of Manhattan that may sit on this trial: Please do the right thing for this country,” the Florida congressman told Newsmax. “Everybody’s allowed to have their political viewpoints, but the law is supposed to be blind and no respecter of persons. This is a trash case, there is no crime here, and if there is any potential for a verdict, they should vote not guilty.” [The New Republic]

Besides its incoherency inherent in … and if there is any potential for a verdict, they should vote not guilty, his appeal to safeguard Mr Trump from punishments for misdeeds is the sort of thing that destroys the integrity of a judicial system and destroys confidence in societal stability.

He should be roundly reprimanded by GOP Congressional leaders Senator McConnell (R-KY) and Speaker Johnson (R-LA). Will it happen? I doubt it.

It speaks to a GOP positively awash in folks with little pride in themselves and their accomplishments, of which there is little to go around, and utterly dependent on their Mob boss Party leader.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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