Word Of The Day


  1. The action of breathing or blowing into or on.
  2. The result of breathing or blowing into or on.
  3. The ritual breathing onto the water used for baptism [Wiktionary]

Noted in “Before Modern CPR, There Were Tobacco-Smoke Enemas,” Emily McCrary-Ruiz-Esparza, Discover:

Various devices were used to administer the enema: a regular tobacco pipe, tubes of different kinds with metal nozzles on each end, and, eventually, a bellows. As far back as the 15th century, physicians believed rectal insufflation had reanimating powers. Instructions from the physician Paulus Bagellardus to midwives in 1472 recommended a similar therapy for stillborn babies: “If she find [the newborn] warm, not black, she should blow into its mouth, if it has no respiration … or into the anus.”

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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