Word Of The Day


  1. Slang. a stupid, foolish, or contemptible person; loser:
    She always has a comeback to own the trolls and jabronis on Twitter.
    Shut your mouth, you dumb jabroni!
  2. Also called en·hance·ment tal·ent [en-hans-muhnt taluhnt], job·ber [job-er] . Professional Wrestling. a wrestler whose purpose is to lose matches against headlining wrestlers in order to build up the status and fame of the headliners:
    The man is a legend in the ring—he eats jabronis for breakfast. [Dictionary.com]


There’s something exciting about new words being added to the dictionary, and this week we have a brilliant new entry ripped straight from the world of professional wrestling. Yes, “jabroni” is now a recognized word, and I hope you will use it in all your future Scrabble games. …

If you watched wrestling during the late 1990s you heard The Rock call people “jabronis” on a regular basis, but its origin dates back further than that. The first person to use the word as part [sic?] was The Iron Sheik, wrestling legend and one of the weirdest follows on Twitter you can possible [sic] have.

Sheik used the term first, and was part of his lexicon. To him a “jabroni” was a “jobber,” or “enhancement talent.” Essentially another wrestler whose job it was to be booked for a match and lose, in order to make a more popular wrestler look better. He used the word in [the] fiercely private wrestling locker, and never introduced it to the world. This was part of maintaining “kayfabe,” or the artifice of reality that exists inside pro wrestling. [SBNation]

Wow, I remember watching the Iron Sheik when I was a kid. And SBNation needs to [f|h]ire copy editors.

Noted in “Biden has fully embraced the ‘Dark Brandon’ meme, and media MAGAs are big mad,” Aldous J Pennyfarthing, Daily Kos:

Okay, then. Of course, you may be shocked to learn that these fools couldn’t be more wrong. As Axios reported Friday—contrary to the bleating of these right-wing jabronis—the whole Dark Brandon thing has been a real boon to Biden’s reelection campaign.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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