Word Of The Day


  1. to repeat something insistently or redundantly:
    to perseverate in reminding children of their responsibilities. [Dictionary.com]

Never seen that one before. Noted in “When the doctor unexpectedly becomes the patient,” Leana S. Wen, WaPo:

In retrospect, self-pity got in the way of my diagnosis. I perseverated on how a healthy person such as me could suddenly become so sick. I exercised regularly; in fact, just days before, I’d completed my first triathlon. When I stopped being so defensive, I realized there were warning signs. I’d been traveling a lot and was feeling run down. I wasn’t feeling quite right during the race but had pushed through fatigue and body aches. The day before my hospitalization, I brushed aside vague chest discomfort.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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