Life Through The Murky Lens Of Coffee

Griefbacon appears to read their life’s tea leaves through a coffee-besmirched lens:

I’ve never felt like I’ve succeeded in loving myself, at least not with any consistency, but some mornings I wake up very early and I’ve left a big mug of yesterday’s coffee in the fridge overnight because I knew I would want it in the morning. Maybe it tastes good or maybe it tastes bad but most importantly it tastes cold, and it helps me wake up, and I get to be grateful for it. Imagine being able to give yourself exactly the thing that you need. It doesn’t matter how small the aperture is, or whether this gesture leads to some larger consistency. It usually doesn’t; after all, it’s just coffee. But for maybe ten minutes or maybe a whole hour, love is a fixed point of arrival. Someone left coffee for me to find in the morning; someone loves me.

I’ve never felt this sort of affection for coffee, but I am a late-comer to the stuff. Enjoy.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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