Currency Always Has Costs, Ctd

From almost a month ago, prior to the FTX collapse:

A cryptocurrency platform in the United Arab Emirates announced today it will offer a card linked to cryptocurrencies.

The Dubai-based BitOasis and Mastercard will partner to offer “crypto card programs” that will use cryptocurrencies for everyday purchases. The cards will convert the crypto assets into fiat currency, such as US dollars or Emirati dirhams. BitOasis said in a statement that the cards will launch in early 2023.

“We continue to witness sustained demand amongst our customers for crypto to be integrated into, and relevant, for their daily lives,” said BitOasis CEO Ola Doudin. “Research tells us that 47% of the Middle East population now believe crypto is the future of money.” [AL-Monitor]

Given the description, deeply simplified I’m sure, this rather defeats one of the purposes of the blockchain: to record who bought what for how much.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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