The Credit Game

The death of Mahsa Amini in Iran, and its effect on the citizenry, may yet lead to the downfall of the regime, and even possibly to a new liberal democracy – one which may still be hostile to the United States, but still a step up from the theocracy.

But I expect that here in the United States the GOP will, if that happens, file a claim that it was their action of shit-canning the JCPOA, aka Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, that brought Iran’s government to its knees.

I’ll be rejecting that claim, though. While the economic circumstances of Iran are certainly stressful, they were when the JCPOA was in force as well, and, at best, they are merely a contributing factor.

The real factor is no secret: it’s the death of a young, vulnerable women while in the custody of the morality police, a group that, historically speaking, rarely has a reputation for distinguished members. The circumstances, possibly exacerbated by her ethnicity of being Kurdish, function to focus on the arbitrary nature of theocracy, those unsightly creatures that benefit from it, much to the disadvantage of everyone not in favor.

And I don’t think the GOP’s actions vis a vis the JCPOA really had much to do with it at all.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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