Currency Always Has Costs, Ctd

Off in cryptocurrency land, the platform known as Tornado Cash is leading quite a tale of existence. For example, there’s this odd claim:

But the sanctions aimed at Tornado Cash are novel. Tornado Cash is known as a mixer, obscuring the source of digital assets by pooling them together before users withdraw them. It exists as software code on a decentralized, globe-spanning network of computers, and its authors wrote it in such a way that even they can’t edit it. [WaPo]

Can’t even edit it? I sure wish WaPo had gone into a bit more detail on that claim, as it seems extremely unlikely. Perhaps they mean any modifications and the entire platform stops functioning.

But it strikes me as a childish resistance to authority.

“More than anything else right now, we’re an industry that needs guidance,” said Ari Redbord, a former Treasury official now with TRM Labs, which provides crypto companies with tools to monitor fraud and financial crime.

And that strikes me as good a reason as any not to use cryptocurrencies where possible.

The markets have been down a bit of late. Is Bitcoin proving to be a redoubt of value? Here’s the one month chart.

Source: CoinMarketCap.

The answer would appear to be No.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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