Cruzing The RINO

Lefty Coaster on Daily Kos has put together a collection of tweets from the Texas GOP Convention that documents, among other issues, that Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the latest victim of the frantic rightward slide of the GOP, at least in Texas. Here’s one tweet:

My long time readers will be unsurprised that Cruz is no longer a favorite of the far right of the GOP, but instead probably could not get nominated for the Presidency because he’s too … liberal.

But the other element of interest is the use of globalist as an epithet. While there’s certainly some legitimate concerns for unskilled and semi-skilled labor in a global market, and these should be addressed, it’s a bit ironic in a state that, because of its oil industry, has become as rich as any due to the global economy.

Isolationism connotes control, because one cannot control what’s happening on the other side of the world, and this increasingly jibes with the GOP, from its stance on abortion to the attempts of the GOP to punish those companies that don’t toe the Party line, to even their stance on guns – so long as they see guns as effective personal protection.

Which is mighty odd for a Party that is otherwise supposedly based on faith.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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