Rational People Do This

A message the Democrats should use in communicating with the electorate is inspired by Steve Benen’s commentary on what is passing for a Republican plan for responding to anthropogenic climate change. First, it’s Benen:

[From The New Republic’s Kate Aronoff] The six pillars themselves are a grab bag of buzzwords presumably harvested from the party’s favorite think tanks and trade associations: “Unlock American Resources,” “Let America Build,” “American Innovation,” “Beat China and Russia,” “Conservation With a Purpose,” and “Build Resilient Communities.” The policies therein, accordingly, are the same things Republicans have been asking for for as long as anyone can remember.

The blueprint barely exists in any meaningful way: House Republican leaders issued a relatively brief press release, noting the six prongs of their climate vision, accompanied by a two-page document calling for more oil drilling. (Aronoff added that the document “exists mainly as a chaotically formatted two-page list of talking points.”) …

Ultimately, however, much of the right scrapped each of these talking points and simply concluded that global warming was “the biggest hoax ever put over on the American public.” The idea of addressing the climate crisis wasn’t just rejected, it was derided by GOP officials as ridiculous.

Yep, that Republican plan reflects my view of the Republican Party: a pack of fourth-raters. My apologies to those long-time readers who tire of my repetition on the subject.

But this ‘plan’ highlights an opening that seems to have been overlooked by the Democrats, even a strategy. Here’s my suggestion (and I hope I’m being redundant with some message crafter in the Democratic Party):

VIDEO: SCENE OPENS with two to three scenes of massive wildfires from the fires of Australia, 2019-2020.

VOICEOVER: This is Australia. It’s burning, unlike anything seen before. Climate scientists believe this is due to humanity-caused climate change.

Ask Australians. Before 2019, they were four-square behind their fossil fuel industries.

Today? They booted out fossil-fuel backing Prime Minister Scott Morrison, along with his Party, for refusing to acknowledge that their nation and environment was badly damaged by climate change powered by fossil fuels.

For refusing to act like rational adults.

Democrats have been warning about humanity-caused climate change for years, and we’ve watched world-wide average temperatures climb, just as predicted.

VIDEO: Insert movies of the worst California wildfires.

VOICEOVER: Do we have to wait until the California wildfires overrun our entire nation before the Republicans begin acting like rational adults?

Or you can vote Democratic on Election Day and begin working on the problem now. This won’t be pain-free, but, together, we can solve this problem.

There ya go.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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