That’s An Easy One

Paul Fidalgo of, and soon to be a high muckety muck, at CSI has a question:

Oh hey, Newsweek reports on Mark Sherwood, “a Republican candidate for governor of Oklahoma [who] has called for a total ban on abortion without any exceptions, while arguing that life begins ‘before’ conception.” What does that even mean?

I do believe that this has already been answered, Mr. Fidalgo, by the intrepid philosophers of Monty Python. Every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great …

While non-alive things may be sacred, sperm flutter about under their own power, and so must be alive.

And Mr. Sherwood had best be careful in treading that particular path. Taken too far, too seriously, too honestly, and he’ll find that life is not sacred. Pushing broken premises right to the edge exposes their essential flimsiness.

The alternative of arresting all men for masturbation and “night emissions,” as involuntary orgasms while sleeping were once called, is going to prove troublesome, first for the men arrested, then for everyone who takes Sherwood seriously, and then Sherwood will find himself >plunk< down at the bottom rung of the power ladder he’s so enthusiastically clambering here.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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