Earl Landgrebe Award Nominee

In an unusual turn of events, this nomination comes via a politico, Tony Daunt, who has parted ways with the nominees – the Michigan Republican Party’s state committee:

Instead of focusing on Democrats’ “myriad failures,” Daunt wrote that “feckless, cowardly party ‘leaders’ have made the election here in Michigan a test of who is the most cravenly loyal to Donald Trump and re-litigating the results of the 2020 cycle.”

Daunt described Trump as a “deranged narcissist.” [The Detroit News]

It’s this last part that probably describes most Earl Landgrebe nominees:

“Incredibly, rather than distancing themselves from this undisciplined loser, far too many Republican ‘leaders’ have decided that encouraging his delusional lies — and, even worse — cynically appeasing him despite knowing they are lies, is the easiest path to ensuring their continued hold on power, general election consequences be damned,” Daunt wrote in his email.

“Rather than assembling the courage to do the right thing, at the right time, and guide the activist base towards the truth, they’ve repeatedly backed down and dissembled, hoping that just one more act of cowardice will be what does the trick.”

They’re in a position of power, finally, and why spit on their benefactor? He claims he could bounce them out.

So kiss the Trumpian shoes.

The article notes this:

Daunt’s resignation was another sign of growing divisions within the Michigan Republican Party ahead of the 2022 election, in which the state will elect a governor and fill every seat in the state Legislature.

No surprise. Fourth-raters are in it for the personal glory, and someone else getting glory isn’t part of the game plan. So backbiting and being the amateurs they are will not play well with many voters.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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