Both Parties Are Letting Us Down

Reading Erick Erickson’s public post today was kind of funny, but not in a good way:

The precipitating event for Musk buying Twitter was Twitter suspending the Babylon Bee’s very popular account because the Babylon Bee gave Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine its “Man of the Year” award. Musk is a free speech absolutist. He had been on a podcast with the Babylon Bee guys. It was absurd to shut them down. That allegedly got the wheels turning.

Progressives have thoroughly embraced the mythology of transgenderism and the only way for them to win their argument is to censor and silence anyone who disagrees with them. Because the government cannot censor free speech, the left has turned to companies like Twitter to shut people up because the first amendment does not apply to them. …

Regardless of how you feel about transgenderism – I remain convinced that the entire matter was profoundly botched by the Democrats, and I say that without rendering an opinion on transgenderism itself – I think it’s not beyond the realm of reasonableness to label the more vociferous advocates for the transgender wannabe autocrats. They may not realize it, but their bullying tactics force the conclusion. Erickson’s observations regarding the behavior of the advocates, if accurate, simply reinforce the point, while permitting Erickson to slip in his beloved word, mythology, which he later also applies to climate change (I didn’t quote that part). Words matter, and his binding the bad behavior of transgender autocrats with the issue of transgenderism itself is a nasty little sleight of hand.

Erickson continues:

Residents are furious about crime. Did you know that police murders have jumped 59%? After a year of angry and overheated rhetoric about police from the left, nuts are murdering police officers.

When anyone on the right says anything at all, the left accuses them of inciting violence. The left’s rhetoric against police is very clearly inciting nuts to murder cops. And no one on the left is speaking out about it.

Notice Erickson’s failure to ask whether these murders – I haven’t verified the numbers myself, being a working dude – are actual, or just someone’s wet dream, and if they were committed by left-wing nuts or right-wing nuts. Or just criminals hoping to take advantage of a crime wave that is straining law enforcement resources.

And, even more importantly, Erickson is disregarding the critical question of who made it legal to own guns with virtually no constraint or even training requirement. Yes, Erickson would really prefer you not think about that – or how many of those officers would be alive if criminals had far more difficulty obtaining firearms, whether manufactured by the usual companies, or ‘ghost firearms,’ which lack identifying numbers.

Yes, it’s funny reading Erickson’s post, but not in a good way.

And that means both parties are letting the country down.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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