It Looks A Lot Worse In Retrospect

Former President Trump has that rare capability to same things that just look worse and worse, doesn’t he? I’m not sure Steve Benen, from where I’m taking this, is actually realizing that:

A couple of weeks before Election Day 2020, the then-U.S. president thought it’d be a good idea to boast about how much more authoritarians prefer him to his rival. “The only thing I can tell you for sure President Xi from China, President Putin from Russia, Kim Jong-un [from] North Korea, and I could name 40 others — they’re sharp as a tack, they don’t want to deal with Sleepy Joe,” Trump said at the time.

In the face of the disaster of Putin’s War, if those autocrats of Trump’s favor are really that smart, yeah, they’d rather deal with Trump, rather than hard-as-nails President Biden. Trump’s easy to manipulate.

The 50+ years of experience that Biden has accumulated is an entirely different deal from amateur businessman Trump.

And don’t forget it.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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