Belated Movie Reviews

Such exquisite beauty deserves not the caption.

Gutboy: A Badtime Story (2017) is a sequence of marionettes that –

No, that’s not right.

A causal chain of marionettes?

That like having sex with humans ten times their own size?

While seeking revenge on the guy who stole a fishing pole?

And the hulk who’s the town cop?

Eyeballs must mean something, but brain exchanges, nothing.

If this sounds like a review by a whack-job

This movie’s whack-job is a professional

While the review-writer isn’t even a gifted amateur.

Recommendations are meaningless. It either exists in your head, or doesn’t. See, or see not.

Definitely not.

Hell, my Arts Editor refused to watch more than five minutes of it. I think she deserves a donut for that sort of perseverance.

A donut with eyes. And extra brains.

Don’t bother to try to enjoy. Grit your teeth, swallow if you’ve gottem, and don’t bother to wonder if the makers had more to swallow than you. They did.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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