The Benefits Of Patience

… sometimes there’s no need to remove one’s face from the ground. While I didn’t comment on it, there’s been some outraged buzz out there about the report that the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation had determined that those with an income in excess of $1 million would be seeing lower taxes if President Biden’s Build Back Better package was passed by the Senate as formulated by the House.

Turns out someone must have forgotten to carry a one:

President Joe Biden’s Build Back Better package would raise, not lower, taxes on the wealthiest Americans, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation in a major correction from the group’s original analysis.

The committee an official scorekeeper of tax-related legislation, originally estimated that the $1.7 trillion safety net and climate change bill would give people making over $1 million a year a net tax cut in 2022. The revised estimates released Tuesday suggested that taxes on $1 million in income would go up by 3.2 percentage points next year. [NBC News]

In a highly polarized environment this sort of thing matters, so I have to wonder if this is honest or sabotage. In the end, though, it’s happened, and some partisans will carry it around like a weapon, marinating in the bitterness, regardless of the correction.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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