A Sign Of A Rappelling Apocalypse

I’ve been reading Paul Fidalgo’s The Morning Heresy for two or three years now – purely for the articles! – and it’s only today that I became confused and thought I was reading an issue of the news parody The Onion:

The two parents of five children both died of COVID–19, and the husband’s last words were, “I wish I would have got the shot.” Anti-vaxxers are calling the story “fake news.”

No, no, I agree with the anti-vaxxers. The guy’s last words were probably on the order of I was such a dumbass fool.

Foreign Policy reports: “In the first months of the pandemic, the U.S. Army failed to warn most soldiers about Chinese and Russian coronavirus disinformation, according to a survey conducted last year…”

A new style of warfare, a new way to fail.

Morgan Gonzales at Kaiser Health News profiles “COVID vigilantes,” folks working to spotlight businesses with good pandemic practices in areas where, you know, things are lax.

I actually had to read this paragraph several times before taking it in a positive way.

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests for COVID–19 are not implanting any microchips, despite the claims of “The Celestial Report” and its “Jesus-centered Interactive News and Community.”

Also known as GIMME GIMME GIMME ALL YOUR MONEY. Oh, my apologies to everyone offended by my truth-telling and, uh, feel free to send some of your money MY WAY. I’ll donate it to a good cause. Freethinkers work for you?

Fox News host Neil Cavuto is telling his viewers to get vaccinated, and that he only got through his own COVID bout as well as he did because he was vaccinated. Fox News itself is ignoring him.

He’s that embarrassing guy at the Thanksgiving table who says, well, anything that goes against the family mythology. Bonus points if he didn’t marry into the family, but, well, perhaps I shouldn’t discuss that manner of joining the family.

PolitiFact rates a conspiracy theory about “RNA-modifying transhumanism-nano-technology” in COVID–19 vaccines to be “Pants on Fire.” No, really, the nanotech will ignite your trousers!!! Everyone panic!!!

Too tired. You do it for me.

For your generally daily, work-day-daily, sometimes not, dose of snark (a German word meaning our robotic overlords will ride around in nano-technology), imbued with nano-tech that will make you trackable by GPS at any time of the day or, especially, night, which is when Bill Gates likes to logon to his computer and track you, yes you, personally, read The Daily Heresy.

Or The Onion.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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