One Leads To The Other

SemDem on Daily Kos doesn’t think much of Republican efforts to gerrymander their way to another victory:

States like Texas, which have been gerrymandered to death for the past 16 years, have to figure out what to do with all those new liberals moving into their cities. They have to go somewhere. However, a state like New York was last redistricted when the GOP was in control of the state Senate. This year, the Democrats are in firm control and could take five to seven seats from the Republicans. New York Governor Hochul has already said she has no problems with gerrymandering the hell out of the Empire State to make up for the GOP assaults elsewhere.

Ironically, the Republicans might have had more seats to play with if not for their blatant racism. The Commerce Department, which conducts the census, did the bidding of Trump’s white nationalists to undercount minority votes—especially with the Latinx population. The thinking here is that counting them would help the Democrats. Unfortunately, this racist strategy meant they undercounted in states like Florida, Arizona, and Texas. This means that these states aren’t getting the seats they deserve, and since the Republicans have the trifecta in these states, they aren’t available for the GOP to gerrymander. Oops.

When your election strategy isn’t predicated on convincing the electorate of the wisdom of your principles, but rather stealing an election, this suggests that your people are, well, fourth rate.

And if they are fourth rate, then mistakes will be made – crippling mistakes.

Oh, the 2022 election isn’t over with, it’s not even begun. The Democrats must have a coordinated and masterful messaging strategy, starting with the January 6th insurrection, and continuing to Republican intransigence in the face of the pandemic – but, done properly, the Democrats have the potential to gain, not lose, seats in the House and the Senate.

While I don’t think I’ve really published much on the 2022 cycle, I think we could see up to twenty seats move from Republican hands to Democratic hands in the House, which would be earth-shaking – and might rip the GOP right in half.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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