Rejection Is A Hard Thing

Perhaps to Democrats’ surprise, the election “fraudit” in Arizona has presumably disappointed President Trump:

Republicans in the state Senate, who authorized the fiasco, said it would take a few weeks. Five months later, according to multiple accounts, the endeavor appears to have backfired spectacularly. The Arizona Republic, among many other news organizations, reported overnight:

A months long hand recount of Maricopa County’s 2020 vote confirmed that President Joe Biden won and the election was not “stolen” from former President Donald Trump, according to early versions of a report prepared for the Arizona Senate. The three-volume report by the Cyber Ninjas, the Senate’s lead contractor, includes results that show Trump lost by a wider margin than the county’s official election results. The data in the report also confirms that U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly won in the county.

The official results won’t be released until this afternoon, at a presentation scheduled for 4 p.m. eastern, but not surprisingly, the findings appear to have leaked. [Maddowblog]

It’s important that Democrats not celebrate the result. The results of an amateur-hour effort like this is the sort of thing that shouldn’t be recognized as a legitimate effort; it is, in fact, nothing more than a bit of entertainment to attract money to the coffers of the right wing grifters who’ve been pushing it.

Elections and all of their surrounding activities are the deadly serious makeup of democracy, and should be treated as such. Celebrating the result is to legitimize the activity, and while that may be great this time, it may not be next time.

Democrats, just shake your heads and condemn the result.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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