Performance Rage

Jennifer Rubin wants to drag many American voters into, well, adulthood:

But mostly, voters need to elect mature adults, not rage performance artists who use military casualties to demand the president’s impeachment. Voters need to grasp the concept of “no good choices” and “opportunity cost.” In other words, we must be better citizens who insist on better leaders — and then not punish them when they take principled action. [WaPo]

I like the phrase, which I bolded, but I think we first have to give up our addiction to rage performance artists who are simply there to make money off us audiences by telling their audiences what they want to hear, rather than known truths. Once we learn that rage artists are not authentic, are not often rational, and very often are using emotion to manipulate audiences for fun and profit, then we’ll learn to recognize politicians, in both parties, who do not appeal to intellect, but rather brazenly manipulate their audiences.

And discard them.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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