The Toxic Conservative Email Stream

My hope to analyze the various contents of an email from a conservative source on a daily basis appears to have been ill-considered, so I’ll apologize for forgetting and then analyze.

But, of course, they don’t fact-check their own cartoon. If you speak to an election official, regardless of party, they will tell you that each ballot is carefully checked, especially those mail-in ballots that have received so much … I cannot call it criticism, because criticism must begin with a well-informed mind … simple-minded sliming. Indeed, they use bar-codes, which are checked against databases of eligible voters and databases of who has already voted. In the twenty+ years of mail-in balloting, no systemic cheating has been detected.

But notice the sleight of hand going on here. “Every tweet and meme must be fact-checked.”



Since when does that happen? Yeah, you’re right: it doesn’t. Fact checking of tweets, even today, doesn’t happen in most cases; only in a very small proportion of tweets, mostly involving vaccines and Covid-19, does fact-checking occur, and even then we’ll see plenty of misinformation slip through, at least initially.

And fact-checking memes? As there is no official meme-source, fact-checking of memes doesn’t happen. Period.

The entire cartoon, in reality – and go check on this and don’t take my word for it – has it all backwards. Tweets and memes are not fact-checked outside of a small selection of topics (and, speaking as a software engineer, checking all tweets at present volumes and range of topics isn’t practical). Ballots and voting are carefully checked. There is no evidence of systemic cheating in the electoral system, if I may be rigidly correct in my logic, and the only circumstantial evidence amounts to nothing more than the distressed wailing of candidates unable to accept that they’ve lost.

Yeah, the emotional five year olds.

This is another attempt to drive a wedge between citizens and the officials that they themselves have voted into office. Distrust is not harmless; it makes necessary cooperation more difficult and even impossible, leads to civic chaos, and a disrespect for the law that can get people killed.

Something a national adversary will love.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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