A Different Rejoinder

NBC News reports on the travails of Rep Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) at a fundraising event:

Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, was heckled at a fundraising event Wednesday night when someone in the audience rebutted him for saying the 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen.

In the clip, posted to the YouTube channel of Bobby Piton, a Republican Senate candidate in Illinois, Crenshaw says: “Don’t kid yourself into believing that’s why we lost. It’s not.” Piton appears to interrupt Crenshaw by shouting, “You’re wrong,” and saying he has “plenty of proof” that the election was fraudulent.

Crenshaw’s response?

Crenshaw responds: “Five different states? Hundreds of thousands of votes? You’re kidding yourself.”

A better response?

“Really? That’s great news! You know, if you have evidence of a crime, you’re legally bound to report it to law enforcement, so, tell you what, I’ll escort you right to the FBI’s local office so that you can make this important report. Who knows, maybe the former President will give you a hug when he’s reinstalled in the Oval Office. OK, let me take this microphone off and I’ll be right down, you grab your coat!”

Don’t bother to mention that lying to the FBI is also a crime, as the extraordinary debacle of retired General Michael Flynn is still an object lesson. This Piton character is signaling his loyalty to the failed former President, attempting to claim a portion of the MAGA base for his campaign run.

Poor guy. He looks like an idiot.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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