Word Of The Day


of or pertaining to a decade [Collins Dictionary]

Noted in “Can we fix climate models to better predict record-shattering weather?” by Adam Vaughan, NewScientist (31 July 2021, paywall):

However, the higher resolution required for some models generally needs more computing power – and resolution isn’t the only issue for projecting extremes: another significant one is timescales. Much climate modelling works on centennial timescales, but some scientists have now turned to decadal predictions, which could roughly be described as weather forecasts spun out to predict the next few years. These have already been shown to predict Atlantic hurricanes.

“There’s definitely a move towards these decadal predictions. They are not for predicting what climate change will do, but what climate change is doing now,” says Ted Shepherd at the University of Reading, UK.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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