Quote Of The Day

When I was a cub reporter, my city editor was an H.L. Mencken clone who laughed at Bible-thumping hillbilly preachers. One day, as a young truth-seeker, I asked him: You’re correct that their explanations are fairy tales, but what answer can an honest person give about the deep questions: Why are we here? Why is the universe here? Why do we die? Is there any purpose to life? He eyed me and replied: You can say: I don’t know. That rang a bell in my head that still echoes. It’s honest to admit that you cannot explain the unexplainable. – James A. Haught, “The Long, Slow Death of Religion,” Daylight Atheism.

Sure wish I could have met that editor.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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