Quote Of The Day

From Erick Erickson:

Satan is running through churches. The spiritual fight is here. Those of you who do not believe, you will one day — every knee will bow one day. For today, however, I can only tell those of you in the church that your commitment to the truth of Christ is now more important than ever. You cannot hide from the world. You must engage the world — the Great Commission demands it.

He’s finally figured out the wholesale corruption of the evangelicals?

The Southern Baptist Convention is meeting this week. The participants overwhelmingly agree on everything. But they disagree on how to engage. Those who have spoken out on critical race theory, but have not beat their chests on it, are perceived as being suspect. Others have made denouncing the second-order things way more important than advancing the first-order things. Men who have spent their lives dedicated to biblical fidelity, biblical inerrancy, and God’s truth are being attacked as weak, spineless, or closet liberals because they are not angry, screaming, and railing against hot button issues. Performance now outweighs commitment because a commitment to truth without theater is suspect.

No, not really. The status quo, which for so long had hidden injustice behind the wall of tradition, is challenged, and to him that’s madness. The uproar within the evangelical world, which reportedly is shrinking, doesn’t signify to him of corruption, merely a lack of discipline.

There will be struggle in the days ahead, as there will – and perhaps already is – a rush of grifters of both religious and secular vectors towards the hole in the wall, ready to take advantage of all sorts of the vulnerable, as well as simply separating truth from ideological fiction.

But, if civil rights history is anything to go by, we should come out of it in better shape. We just have to remember that not all change is good change, just as not all status quo is good status quo.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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