Will Tweaking Be Futile? Ctd

In response to my remarks concerning Chinese population policy changes, a reader responds:

Their population is still growing, just not as fast. Only when it stops growing in actuality will I believe the projections.

I also have to laugh (sickly) at the phrase “demographic crisis” because of the slowing growth. What a clever way to hide what they really mean: having too many people allows us to have slave labor, and extract now from the future when we leaders are all dead.

Elderly become more and more of a burden as they burgeon, so demographic crisis means that work expended on taking care of the elderly as a percentage of total work, or even more accurately by those who are qualified to perform eldercare.

That said, the Communist Party is notorious for its lack of concern for human rights. It prioritizes retaining power, and the loyalty of the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) let’s it otherwise abuse the citizenry. The population policy restraints had to do with available resources, I should imagine.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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