A Rip Roarin’ Roil

Just yesterday I was writing about the GOP approaching purity of corruption, but it turns out there’s still Republicans who protest the antics of their fellows. This would be in Maricopa County, Arizona, where the State Senate has forced a recount, which is being conducted by obscure Trumpist firm Cyber Ninjas, who have drawn vast amounts of criticism for their methods so far.

The Board of Supervisors of Maricopa County, of whom four of the five members are Republicans, are incensed at having their counts, recounts, and verifications questioned by the state Senate, and have written a letter in protest. Money quote:

6. Your “audit” is harming all of us, and we ask you to end it.

Finally, we express our united view that your “audit”, no matter what your intentions were in the beginning, has become a spectacle that is harming all of us. Our state has become a laughingstock. Worse, this “audit” is encouraging our citizens to distrust elections, which weakens our democratic republic.

Your “auditors” began the “audit” unaware that using blue pens on ballots could harm them, and apparently would have distributed blue pens to those conducting the recount of ballots had a reporter not informed them. It has gone downhill from there. Your “audit,” which you once said was intended to increase voters’ confidence in our electoral process, has devolved into a circus.

You are using purple lights and spinning tables. You are hunting for bamboo. These are not things that serious auditors of elections do.

You are photographing ballots contrary to the laws that the Senate helped enact, and you are sending those images to unidentified places and people. You have repeatedly lost control of your twitter account, which has tweeted things that appear to be the rantings of a petulant child—not the serious statements of a serious audit.

The Senate GOP members are reportedly regretting their demand for an audit, but they keep plunging onward, and it’s hard to not see this as corruption at its finest – an audit run by a conspiracy theorist, a Senate that demands to know why the result isn’t what they want, and methods that are ludicrous.

This, BTW, also has all the hallmarks of being run by people who loathe experts. They know what results they want and they’ll find them, by gum. And methods and protocols are for, ummmm, experts! If only those damn judges will stay out of the way!

There’s more in the letter on the three ring circus. Truly, it sounds like that damn curmudgeon next door got themselves elected and is now doing what they prattled on about for all those years.

The only thing missing from this letter from honorable people is a demand that every Senator that still supports the audit to step down in shame.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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