Word Of The Day


The sans-culottes (French: [sɑ̃kylɔt], literally “without breeches“) were the common people of the lower classes in late 18th-century France, a great many of whom became radical and militant partisans of the French Revolution in response to their poor quality of life under the Ancien Régime. The word sans-culotte, which is opposed to that of the aristocrat, seems to have been used for the first time on 28 February 1791 by officer Gauthier in a derogatory sense, speaking about a “sans-culottes army”. The word came into vogue during the demonstration of 20 June 1792[Wikipedia]

Noted in “Federal judge keeps Capitol rioter in jail because Trump keeps peddling the Big Lie“, Darrell Lucus, The Daily Kos:

We’ve seen Donald Trump talk himself into trouble too many times to count over the years. Well, if we’re to believe a federal judge, he may have talked one of the sansculottes who stormed the Capitol in his name into an all-expenses-paid stay in jail pending trial.

I had no clue at all.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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