The Big Bet, Ctd

In reference to the concerns of Andrew Sullivan regarding the ARP, a reader writes:

Where were these whiners when the GQP sucked the same trillions out of the economy by giving massive tax breaks to the rich, over and over? I lost all my respect of Sullivan long time ago. His 15 minutes are so over.

I must point out that, in the years of reading Sullivan, he’s never expressed any sympathy or kinship with the GOP – not of today, not of the GOP who took us into two wars twenty years ago. None. He has expressed dislike both intellectually and viscerally.

Did he support those wars? Yes – right up until the CIA torture sessions came up. Then he

  1. Changed his opinion;
  2. Expressed his shame, as he felt he shared responsibility for those shameful torture sessions;
  3. Apologized;
  4. Changed his advocacy;
  5. And, most extraordinarily, self-analyzed in an effort to discover how he had come to a wrong decision in the first place.

That is not something you see often, if at all, in conservative or liberal circles.

In so far as financial matters go, he’s been less interested in those details, at least in what I’ve read. Sullivan is an independent, philosophical conservative who has embraced the ACA, who led the fight for gay marriage, and has been more interested in the philosophy and sociology of political matters on both the left and the right, than budgetary.

Will he be wrong on some matters and right on others? Sure. That’s the nature of the game. But I think I can count on him being honest about being wrong, I can count on him ignoring the rules of being liberal or conservative, much to the frustration of the woke and the far-right, and he has the added benefit of being a good writer.

I sorely wish he wasn’t migrating towards podcasting. Podcasts are far too ephemeral, and I hate digging through accents, since most accents elude me.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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