It’s Really Just Navel Gazing

Or, in other words, We’re just so self-centered and self-important that we’ll blow up the system that gave us power in order to keep power:

A Republican lawmaker wants to allow the Arizona Legislature to overturn the results of a presidential election, even after the count is formally certified by the governor and secretary of state — and even after Congress counts the state’s electors.

The proposal by Rep. Shawnna Bolick of Phoenix contains a series of provisions designed to make it easier for those unhappy with elections to go to court.

Included would be allowing challengers to demand a jury trial and, more to the point, barring a trial judge or an appellate court from throwing out the case, even for lack of evidence, before the jurors get to rule.

That would affect the rules of court procedures that are set up and overseen by the Arizona Supreme Court, on which her husband, Clint Bolick, serves.

But the most sweeping provision would say that, regardless of any other law, the Legislature retains ultimate authority in deciding who the state’s presidential electors are.

And it would spell out that lawmakers, by a simple majority, could revoke the formal certification of the election results and substitute their own decision at any time right up to the day a new president is inaugurated. []

Perhaps that should be rephrased Voters are just too stupid for words and we’re going to take away their rights if we deem them to make an irresponsible decision!

Yes, King George Queen Shawnna!

I hope – I don’t live in Arizona, nor know anyone currently living there, so I can’t really guess – that local voters will take one look at this proposal to deprive them of their fundamental right to choose their leaders and boost them right out of their seats – not just Bolick, but each and every Republican who votes for or even makes approving noises about this proposed legislation.

And where did this particular idiot grow up, anyway?

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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