Postmoral Is The New Postmodern

The term postmodern is often used in a denigrative sense, which is not surprising given this particular (of several) definition of it:

Of or relating to an intellectual stance often marked by eclecticism and irony and tending to reject the universal validity of such principles as hierarchy, binary opposition, categorization, and stable identity. [Wordnik]

And replacing those principles with virtually nothing, at least so far as I can see. With respect to the GOP these days, I think this is the postmoral era, and far-right conservative Erick Erickson is appalled:

At this point, people are being led astray by shameless butt monkeys who are just flinging poo hoping something sticks. These people need to be put in a mental institution. I realize Rudy Giuliani is getting paid a ton of money to do this, but the shameless charlatans and grifters need to be denounced.

Ultimately and seriously, the problem is that these butt monkeys are pointing people in the direction of nonsense when there actually are serious issues about election integrity. But we can’t talk about those while the idiots are misidentifying rural parts of Georgia as parts of metro Atlanta and casting aspersions on the integrity of Georgia law enforcement for not giving them what they want.

Morality works best when it acknowledges the primacy of reality. The reality is that Joe Biden won more votes in Georgia than did Donald Trump. This has been verified multiple times, in multiple ways, as a matter of law and and at the demand of Donald Trump.

It’s good to see that Erickson at least acknowledges there’s a vast cliff where so many of his fellows have plunged.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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