About That Offer, Ctd

Remember Lt. Governor Dan Patrick (R-TX) and his offer of a million bucks for evidence of voter fraud? For completeness, I offer this Houston Chronicle update:

All John Fetterman wants for Christmas is the $3 million he says Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick owes him.

The Democratic lieutenant governor of Pennsylvania has been trolling his Republican counterpart for weeks to collect on the $1 million Patrick offered in November for evidence of fraud in the Nov. 3 election. Three supporters of President Donald Trump have now been charged in separate voter fraud schemes in Pennsylvania. Fetterman says they should all count for bounty purposes.

Which is fine for justifying schadenfreudesavor – but Lt. Governor Fetterman’s expostulation is really the most important part of this exchange:

Fetterman says he is serious — about debunking the false allegations being thrown at his state. He has taken the lead in Pennsylvania pushing back on bogus claims of voter fraud circulated by Trump and his allies. Patrick — honorary chairman of Trump’s campaign in Texas — and his million-dollar reward are helping to disprove those claims, Fetterman says.

“While it’s undoubtedly and undeniably hilarious these cases involved Trump voters and their dead mothers, it’s irrelevant because it documents how truly rare voter fraud is and how impossible it is to truly pull it off,” Fetterman said.

If Trump and his allies are utterly incapable of bringing a credible case of systemic voter fraud or procedural irregularities to the attention of judge, whether appointed by Clinton, Bush, Obama, or Trump himself, then the only valid conclusion that any sane, mature, adult American can reach is that none occurred, and that Biden won the election.

These are the procedures we’ve refined & followed for more than 200 years, and to abandon them now is to abandon the very precepts by which the United States has been successful. Republicans love to toss around the word ‘radical’ in descriptions of Democrats, but it should be apparent that the only anti-American radicals are Republicans who persist in believing in systemic voter fraud.

And, by the way, Lt Governor Patrick’s offer, as I noted before, is the offer of a third-rater. What would he do if Trump’s victory of Florida was abruptly threatened by the revelation of systemic voter fraud on Trump’s behalf? Frantically withdraw or amend the offer?

Prominent Republicans: Don’t bother to look, there’s no good apples here.

It’s simply another symptom of the self-inflicted moral bankruptcy plaguing today’s Republican Party. For the honest independent, it’s difficult to list any prominent Republican name with pride, while those on the shameful side of the ledger overflow the bin.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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