
Hemant Mehta on Friendly Atheist is puzzled by megachurch Christmas displays:

Here’s what some megachurches are doing to celebrate Christmas. Far from a simple Nativity play, these are Broadway-style performances that, I think, are meant to bring you closer to Jesus.

I haven’t figured out the connection yet, but maybe you can fill me in.

How much money is wasted on these performances… and for what real purpose? Does any of that scream “birth of Christ” to you? Does any of that make you want to join these churches? I have to imagine it does or else they wouldn’t be doing it, but then I have to question the type of people suckered in by these spectacles who think they’re somehow more devout as a result of watching the show.

The answer to real purpose is maintenance of the epistemic bubble. This is the fulfillment of a bonding need of a group of people. By providing it, the church reduces the risk of exposure to influences which may dilute both offerings and allegiance.

This is how you build loyalty to irrationality. It’s a small step, but it’s the building of that bubble of a society, within the larger American society, that emphasizes homogeneity while reducing tolerance.

If they didn’t provide it, members would seek it elsewhere – and their information stream would be less controlled by the church.

Either that, or all of these megachurch pastors are drama queens – and that is entirely possible. After all, megachurch.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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