Criminal Cronies Right At The Top, Ctd

Well, I’m sad to say that, in the case of former National Security Advisor and General Flynn, Judge Sullivan declined the opportunity to inject even more drama into our drab, colorless lies by rejecting President Trump’s pardon of General Flynn as being premature.

A federal judge dismissed Michael Flynn’s prosecution Tuesday after President Trump’s pardon, but said the act of clemency does not mean the former national security adviser is innocent of lying to FBI agents about his talks with the Russian government before Trump took office.  [WaPo]

And then sitting on Flynn’s trial, in which Flynn has plead guilty twice and then tried to withdraw his pleas – the weasel – until after Inauguration Day.

Of course, this means the guilty pleas were the legal reality of the situation, and Flynn’s record will forever bear those marks of dishonor – no matter how he and his defenders scrub at them.

And I think Sullivan was right in this:

In formally ending Flynn’s three-year legal saga, U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said he probably would have denied the Justice Department’s controversial effort this year to drop the case, which Democrats and many legal experts said appeared to be an attempt by Attorney General William P. Barr to bend the rule of law to help a Trump ally.

It’s a pity that legal battle didn’t go forth, as the precedents would have set the ground rules for future attempts at corruption in the future.

There have been reports that AG Barr is considering resigning rather than “risk” being fired. I have to wonder if his eyes have been opened to the culture of corruption he was so eager to defend in his early days in the Trump Administration.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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