Speak Of The Devil

Here I asked what had happened to the NRA in the last election, and moments later I ran across this from WaPo:

Bill Powers, the executive vice president for communications at Ackerman McQueen [the NRA’s former PR and advertising firm], said the financial statements lay out the NRA’s steady decline as the organization faced a raft of defectors questioning LaPierre’s leadership, and as more of its money went into scorched-earth legal battles to defend LaPierre. “You have just seen an election where the NRA was sidelined,” he said.

Their latest tax returns are summarized thusly:

The tax return shows membership dues falling 34 percent in 2019, to $113 million. [NRA spokesman Andrew] Arulanandam called those figures “dated information.” He said that donations and grass-roots support are “surging” and that the NRA added 300,000 members in the past six months.

Maybe someday the NRA will return to responsibility, as it was before LaPierre. Only time will tell.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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