We’re Just A Risk/Reward Calculation

Over the campaign various experts have complained that the Trump campaign may be one of the most incompetent to ever grace the United States, and while that’s easily enough explained as the result of chronic amateurism, sycophants, and third-raters, there is another hypothesis:

A desire to lose. For example,

The rallies have themselves become a symbol of his “reckless” approach to governing, said Guy Cecil, who leads Priorities USA, a liberal group that has blanketed the airwaves with advertisements against Trump on the pandemic.

“He’s making people less favorable and less open to voting for him,” Cecil said Wednesday. “He is actually hurting himself by traveling around the country holding these rallies.” [WaPo]

And that’s just one of several I’ve stumbled across. It’s as if he hates the job of actually governing, even if he loves campaigning.

Yet, Trump’s ambition and loathing for losers is well known, so that goes against the hypothesis.

But Trump may be doing a risk/reward calculation and may feel that he’s drained about as many resources as he can hope from the Federal government; sticking around leaves him open to another impeachment, followed by prison if he doesn’t leave the country immediately.

So it’s not utterly implausible that, having no loyalties but to himself and his family, he’s simply arranging his leave-taking from the government.

I’m still looking for him to leave the country before his legal protections disappear.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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