When You’re Such A Failure You Have To Attack Kids

From WaPo:

On Tuesday night, as it has during every presidential election year over the past three decades, Nickelodeon aired its “Nick News: Kids Pick the President” special and revealed the results of its “Kids’ Vote” poll — an informal, nonscientific survey in which children get to vote for the president of the United States.

Except this year, the network said, the poll was attacked by bots.

The online poll was open from Oct. 20 through Oct. 26, and on the second day of voting, Nickelodeon “detected cheating … when threads on online forums began discussing corrupting the Kids Pick the President site with fraudulent votes,” the network said in a news release. The rules allow for one vote per household device, so families with multiple children can each cast a ballot.

Out of control malice. It’s the same pathology as those who run around killing kids.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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