Earl Landgrebe Award Nominee

Fox News analyst, or perhaps just demented old man, Lou Dobbs:

This after Senator Graham (R-SC) successfully rushed through the nomination of Judge Barrett to SCOTUS through the Judiciary Committee.

It’s stunning, but not surprising, that Dobbs would be calling for the second-best Trump lickspittle in the land to be oustered, even at the expense of losing the Senate. After all, you can’t move up the Republican ladder of prestige and power without getting rid of a denizen that’s another rung up.

Importantly, that’s because merit, or competency if you prefer, has no importance in such a system. Only that slippery quantity, loyalty, is the metric. You can only move up the ladder by removing someone ahead of you.

Dobbs looks to enhance this prestige. He looks around. He spies that guy who might be responsible for making Obamagate – a famously undefined fantasy – into a “real boy!”, and denigrates him for, well, not breaking the law and betraying basic honor.

That’s your basic Trumpian cult follower. All that’s important to Dobbs is clinging to Trump’s shin.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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