Reading Literally

Locally, in fact just up the road from our place, we have a Bible college named Bethel University. My Arts Editor informs me that Bethel, or Beth-El, means Of God.

So what am I supposed to make of this California based school, named … wait for it … Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM)?

Is this, like, where you go to learn how to minister to … the supernatural? Evangelize the ghosts? How to negotiate those prickly conversations with Shiva about the Christian God?

I just boggle at the thought of missionaries heading out for wherever angels live.

And it really makes you wonder about this scene from Lord Of The Rings (2001):

I didn’t realize Gandalf was a graduate of BSSM! But my Arts Editor says Gandalf was a poor student and only earned an Associate’s Degree. That might explain the negative outcome.

I sure hope breakfast will be ready soon. I suspect a lot of folks have had a good laugh over that name.

Aaaaand … it’s a Covid-19 hot spot.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

One Response to Reading Literally

  1. Deb says:

    Or, House of God (Beth-El)