So Many Numbers, They Run Through My Dreams

Not really. Although I have a friend who has made her living as a writer, who says her illness nightmares generally consist of her running down the street, pursued by letters from the alphabet.

Ahem. Sorry. It’s one of my favorite tidbits of a story. Anyways. Ever wonder just what statistics the government collects? Here’s the main agencies dedicated to the task:

  1. Bureau of the Census
  2. Bureau of Economic Analysis
  3. Bureau of Justice Statistics
  4. Bureau of Labor Statistics
  5. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
  6. Economic Research Service
  7. Energy Information Administration
  8. National Agricultural Statistics Service
  9. National Center for Education Statistics
  10. National Center for Health Statistics
  11. National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
  12. Office of Research, Evaluation and Statistics
  13. Statistics of Income

This comes from Considerations for the Structure of the Bureau of Cyber Statistics on Lawfare, by Chas Kissick and Paul Rosenzweig, analyzing a proposal for a new statistical gathering and analysis agency, of obvious purpose. They also note there are embedded statistics gathering entities.

But if you’re looking for statistics on something, it’s worth consulting this list first. I’ve used the Energy Information Administration statistics several times myself.

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About Hue White

Former BBS operator; software engineer; cat lackey.

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